So between Bonnie and myself we seem to have gone a little out of control on the clothing for the girls. Bonnie has been to Cribs to bibs and bought just a 'few' things for the girls and Ewan. I have been to Frenchy's this week and found lots of things. I also went to the POMBA sale and bought lots of summer clothing for the girls. They will be the best dressed kids I am sure. I am so happy to have found the joy of buying used clothing for the kids. It just means that I will have money left over for Jeff and I, and I can laundry less often, between all the outfits and that big king size washer. Of course I may need a longer cloths line. Just one full load in the new washer takes up the whole line.
I so agree...I asked my mom how she managed to get everything on the line "back in her day". Her reply.."My washer was smaller". thanks mom, big help! I have already strung an extra piece of line up, and am trying to figure out how to string another one up...lol, let me know if you figure it out.