I spend most of my day here at home with my 2 wonderful children. However my mind and heart are often in another place. They are with my angel baby Ella. I would like to take some time to share her with everyone. Very few people got to meet her in person after she was born, only the immediate family, her grandparents and aunts. I so wish we had had more time to share her with everyone. I didn't have the words to explain the feeling I am having surrounding her death, so I have borrowed these:
"Ella was never able to cry or open her eyes, but through her dignified and graceful presence she taught us so much. We learned the hardest and most painful lessons as we studied her peaceful face and touched her still little body. We learned the folly of believing that we have control over what happens in our lives, and the wisdom of letting go when the time comes. We found depths of hurt and strength in ourselves we'd never known and watched the boundaries drawn between birth, life and death blur until they cease to exist or matter. We discovered as a family how much we could do for each other in the face of a crisis and how much the love and support of friends mean at such a time. We realized the miracle that is a healthy child and the dedication of those who spend their lives caring for our children, whether unborn or well or sick. We found our faith and beliefs withstanding much searching and testing, bearing us up when the waves of doubt threatened to sweep us under. We became aware that there is an essence, a life force beyond what we call "personality," and that this is what we came to know in our daughter, and how she communicated so much to us."
Ella was 3lbs 15 oz, and 16.5inches in length. I believe it was her short life that saved Quinn.
We will love and think of her always.
What beautiful words. I am so proud of you both, You are very strong and loving parents. Ewan and Quinn are so lucky to have you for parents. We are very blesssed to hav e you all in our lives. I love you all. Love Mom