Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hey everyone, this is Jeff guest blogging as Natalie has been admitted to the hospital with pre-term labour. Don't worry...everything is ok right now. She has been having severe lower back pain since Sunday night and went to her MD yesterday. We went to the early labour clinic where they did a swab that was postitive for a protien or hormone (I can't remember which...febofibro..something, something, something). Anyway this means that there is a better than 50/50 chance she would go into full labour within the next 2 weeks. She had her first dose of steroids last night and the second is due tonight. On a positive note, her contractions have slowed and there haven't been any changes to her cervix.

I will do my best to keep this updated, but hopefully she may be able to come home tomorrow.



  1. Thinking of you all, if there is anything I can do, just give me a shout.

  2. Hi Natalie and Jeff,

    We are all thinking about you here at DGH. Hope everything is going okay. Take care.

    Jeanette, Sharon, Grace, Kim, Carol, Karen W. and everyone else

  3. Hi, Thinking of you all. Take care Agnes & Koby

  4. Hi Natalie and Jeff, We are hoping and praying for you,with all that you have been through this past week.We unfortunately cannot change the hand of cards that we have been dealt.But with the love and support of everyone,you will get through.Quinn is beautiful,and making great progress.Ewan is getting cuter by the day.They will keep you going.Our thought are with you,and thinking of you often.A hello to Gigi too. Debbie and Terry
